Further Prayers For the Release of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Lopam Nyus

February/March 2024

Nyenges & Shaigi Wayinkya
My name is Gerry Donnelly and I am here today on behalf on the NZ Maitri Sangha – and the worldwide Maitri Sangha, who are all deeply concerned at why Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru is still in prison in Nepal. It is now nearing 50 days that He has been incarcerated, with no legitimate reason as to why he is in custody. The world is watching Nepal, and we are concerned. Because the world so very desperately needs Dharmasangha Guru.
We need to find a way to rise up out of all of this persecution, to come together in oneness and unity, for the benefit of all beings. Guru’s incarceration is a deep message to all of us to open our hearts and try to come together, putting all differences, all discriminations aside.
This is our chance to join together at the divine lotus feet of MSDS Guru, raising the vibration of consciousness in an epic groundswell of infinite compassion.
May Nepal come together as one – and lead the way forward into a new vibration of Maitri, where all persecution, discrimination and all forms of separation are dissolved.
Nepal, the world is watching! We are excited to see how you will embrace MSDS Guru; not only freeing Him – but being the first country in the world to light the golden fire of maitribhav in all your nation’s hearts, creating a nation of oneness, unity and divine strength. What an incredibly glorious opportunity this is!
We understand that years of religious and cultural differences, and the bygone era of the caste system has brought separation & diversion to your beautiful people. But now Guru, having chosen to incarnate into your divine country, is here. He is the beacon of light for unification in your nation and in the whole world. What a tremendous blessing to have Him in your midst.
So how can we unite to turn this situation into a fully-fledged golden birth and then blossoming of maitri? It is time for us all to reflect on Gurus message of unification and release all separative thoughts, speech & actions. We are all one! The Golden Age of Dharma is here and the more resistance we have, the more suffering we will endure. Now is the time for surrender & release of the old.
Nepal, the world is watching. You have the most Divine Treasure on Earth in your presence right now! Please release Him from incarceration and all persecution! May Guru’s light shine for all beings!
We bow at Your divine lotus feet Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Lopam Nyus,
Nri-hi-to ma-le-tho to-le-su nri-ho-tra sho
Gya-wi tra-ni-kshi gwa-wi sho-a
Gya-wi da-kshi-tho nri-su on-nri-ho-tra sho-do
Nyenges & Shaigi Wayinkya