Welcome to New Zealand’s first Maitri building!


BSDS New Zealand and the Maitri Foundation are delighted to announce the completion of our very first Maitri building here in New Zealand! This new Maitri building is lovingly and reverently offered up to Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru and is dedicated to the divine uplift of all beings to mukti and moksha.

The building, which is a converted shipping container, lovingly hosts an Altar Room for worship & offerings along with a dedicated Office space from which New Zealand volunteers help to share the Maitri Light, in infinite gratitude for, and under direction of, Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru.

The building itself has been designed to be portable, so that should the Charity own land in the future, it will be able to be relocated. For now it generously rests on picturesque land owned by Sangha family, just outside a small rural town in south Canterbury at the foot of the Southern Alps in the South Island.

The construction project started in July 2020 and the first offerings were made in the Altar Room on the 21st December 2020, with work continuing on into early 2021. Much research, planning and many long hours of work helped to create this deeply sacred space so we wish to thank all of the Maitri volunteers who have lovingly offered their time and services to help make this new Maitri building become a reality.

We bow down in great reverence before Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru and all Paramatma Gurus for Their divine blessings and for all of the divine guidance that has been received along the project’s journey. We also humbly thank our Worldwide Sangha family for their loving support during the project. May all beings attain mukti & moksha!

Shaigi Wayinkya _()_


Photos of the completed Maitri building

Photos of the construction process